Foolish Samurai! The Samurai Jack Bike
We painted and modded this special "Samurai Jack" bike for a client on Vashon Island, Washington in 2019. The design was intended to bring together the Ruroc helmet and our Ronin decal set and have a sort of anime feel. We made liberal use of the Japanese Kierin sparkle coat from Spray.bike and also their spectacular brass gold metal plate to match the Ruroc helmet and our decals (links below).

Products featured include:
- S-1 Ronin decals
- Framebuilders Brass Gold Metal Plate Paint
- Keirin Tokyo Gold Glass (no longer available in USA)
- Spray Max Glam

Special techniques. We have made some "how to" guides in our blog about painting plastic fenders, straight clean stripes, and using clear coat. For this bike, we cut custom stencils for the logos and the Custom73 head badge and we laid those in gold leaf.
We also sprayed the Keirin flake straight over the decal on the chain guard. It has held up!
The Keirin flakes include a clear coat mixture - but we generally recommend adding Spray Max Clear Coat over it for an ultimate shine. You can see how it shines on the fender parts.
We cannot rave enough about Spray.Bike's metal plate series. Here, the Brass Gold really catches the light on the stripes and line details.
We also had to consume a six pack to get those cool bottle caps!