Paint Your Electric Bike! (PART 1)
We are pleased as punch to be able to offer you Spray.Bike paints! Bike paint created just for bikes!
Spray.Bike paints is a revolutionary paint line designed specifically for bikes! This is the perfect paint for your electric bike and its battery, and its fenders, and its lights! You now have total control of your creativity! Dream it. Paint it.
Check out the extensive product collections Spray.Bike has created:
- Fluorescent
- Vintage
- Pop (80's Raleigh)
- Historic
- Brick Lane Bikes colors.
- Metallic
- Base and Top Coats
- Keirin Flake and Glass Coats
- Pocket Sizes
- Special Fades
The color line up ranges from the very stately and stunning Gray's Inn grey (below) to vivid fluorescents (also available in pocket size.)
We are super excited about the collection of metallics with real metal! And we just cannot get enough of the dazzling and sparkling glass and flake clear coats in the Keirin Collection! There is a collection of smaller 200ml aerosols perfect for stencil work. And, being the pros they are, Spray.Bike has a putty, metal primer, carbon primer, and a clear coat!
We have information here about how to use the paints and Spray.Bike has a ton of demonstration videos and information at spray.bike.com.
Custom73.com will supply you with all the tools you need and more:
- Masking tape
- Fine line tape
- Sanding papers
- Scuff Pad
- Gloves
- Pro Degreaser
- Respirator
- Eye protection
- Shop towels
Get a whole paint project kit with everything you need in it and save 50% if you are buying paint. This is a no-brainer deal and will have you set up for hassle-free fun and safety.
We also offer the additional clear coat option of 2K Max (an activated two-part solution contained in a single can that gives a professional hard polishable finish coat).
You can do this! Your bike will look amazing!