From NYC - Krink is the premier brand of ink and markers for a new generation of artists. All Krink products are handmade in the USA and dripping with street cred.Krink was founded more than 15 years ago, when a street artist decided to make his own materials. Today, the brand ships from Brooklyn around the world and even collaborates with big brands to create limited-edition products. Used by everyone from street artists for tagging metal pylons to avante guard artists for gallery installations, you can bet these paints will do the job for your bike!
Use these to letter, dot, stripe, draw, whatever you want, wherever you want on your bike. They are rich and opaque. The paints are water and UV resistant. We recommend adding a matte or gloss coat of 2K or Spray.Bike finish over your art.
KRINK 42 are prefect for going right on bare metal, plastic, anything. KRINK 11 will go over a base of paint, plastic.